Therapeutic massage Fulham London

Client receiving a therapeutic massage at claire durand beauty salon in fulham

Therapeutic massage - Get a free massage when you book a course of 6.

30 minutes - £48
60 minutes - £75
75 minutes - £85
90 minutes - £95

The therapeutic effects of touch have been used for centuries to help heal ailments and imbalances in the body. Massage improves circulation, releases tension, relaxes muscles, aids digestion and by stimulating the lymphatic system it stimulates the elimination of waste products. Massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety by relaxing both mind and body.

Therapeutic massage has the power to:

  • Increase flexibility of muscles.
  • Help with depression, anxiety and reduces stress.
  • Promotes deeper breathing which in turn aids relaxation.
  • Help lower blood pressure.
  • Relieve headaches.


in todays busy environment our bodies can suffer from extreme fatigue. The proven health benefits of massage can aid in alleviating the stresses and strains of modern living.

Book a therapeutic massage today

Claire durand locationLocation

Claire Durand is located in Fulham with easy access to tubes and buses, there is also ample pay and display parking.

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